Mar 27, 2019
This week, I am joined by my favorite lesbian, Jhavia of the Black Radical Queer Podcast. We catch up (because this show is a long time coming) and reminisce on the wonderfulness of Noah's Arc. We then discuss Red Table Talk and two high key Bozos: Daniel Caesar and Jess Hilarious.
Follow Jhavia:
Mar 26, 2019
Your Fave Aunties and Uncles are back!! This week, we discuss trash movies, trash movies then clowns and white people. Also, Uncle J tells us about his wedding!! Pour up, Roll up and Relax!!
Follow Auntie Asa: @lithiumtolashes
Follow Auntie Stephanie: @sunnytwotethat
Follow Uncle J: @adjective_j
Follow Uncle Ricky:
Mar 19, 2019
We have reached Ep 75!! I am joined by Sharmane aka Sam Jackson's Daughter!! This week, we talk about our #podernfamily, The Read, The Avengers, Terry Crews, James Gunn, the NZ shooting, Op Varsity Blues and more!
Follow Mane:
Twitter: @mixedgirlmane @militantlymixed @blerdcomixed
Mar 12, 2019
This week, I took a break from current events to discuss #loveafterlockup with my boo thing Asa! We dissect the finale as only a couple of ratchet aunties could! Take a listen!!
Follow Asa:
Twitter: @lithiumtolashes
Facebook: @lithiumtolashes
Instagram: @lithiumtolashes
Mar 7, 2019
This week, we missed Uncle J but Aunties Asa and Stephanie and Uncle Ricky still cut on up. This week, we find out that Ricky played in coke money (?), Auntie Stephanie has a retail story and we discuss Terry Crews having too much dip on his chip, a next gen deep dive and more. Oh and Uncle Ricky has a jingle...